Showing posts with label (Google Apps). Show all posts

Saturday, 30 September 2017

editLock - New Google Sheets Add-on

Google Sheets are incredibly powerful for collaboration and it's great that they can be worked on simultaneously. Sometimes though, you want to add a bit more protection to stop people editing things that they shouldn't.

You can protect cells and ranges from being edited quite easily in Google Sheets, but up until now, that had to be done manually. This was particularly complicated if you had a sign up sheet for example and you didn't want people overwriting or removing people accidentally (or maliciously!).

Once you activate the editLock add-on, as soon as someone edits a cell, it gets locked down and can't be edited by anyone else. See the 2 minute video below for a quick walkthrough.

I hope you find it useful! Get the add-on here.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

calendarMap - Get Calendar Events on a Google Map

We are delighted to announce the beta launch of a new free tool called calendarMap.

This web app allows you to select any of your Google Calendars and place all events that have a location on a Google Map. You can even set custom date boundaries!

The idea came from a school leader who runs an outreach program where his staff visit other schools and he wanted to a better visual representation of where they were. As you use the tool, we'd love to hear your use cases - please let us know in the comments!

If you see anything that doesn't look quite right, please let us know - feedback is really helpful!

Click here to access the web app (NOTE: one time authorisation required for the app to read your calendar information).

Monday, 9 May 2016

Google Trends - analyse search trends and patterns.

Google Trends is a great free tool that allows you to analyse search trends over time. It can help you spot seasonal patterns (e.g. 'Christmas'), but also compare results.

Here is a comparison for Facebook vs. YouTube:

You might want to get students to hypothesise what a graph might look like then test it out. It allows you to see searches from specific countries which might help get a grasp of world news or current events. For example, the trend of searches for 'ISIS' shows the speed in which the organisation has grasped media and public attention:

Even if you don't find any direct pedagogical applications for your subject, it's still pretty interesting!

Click here to go to Google Trends.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Permanent Clipboard - Google Chrome Extension to turbo charge your feedback!

Permanent Clipboard is a great free extension for Google Chrome that allows you to save a bank of comments to quickly use anywhere on the web (i.e. Google Docs).

Once you've added the extension it's really easy to create your own entries (animation below). You can then right click anywhere you can type and choose to 'Insert from permanent clipboard' and your comment text will automatically appear!

As you can see, this is a real time saver particularly when you find yourself saying very similar things to students when you give feedback!

TOP TIP: Add links to YouTube videos to your comments to make them even more effective!

Click here to install Permanent Clipboard on Google Chrome.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Essay Metrics Google Sheets Add-on

We've developed another Google Sheets Add-on that allows you to get detailed information about Google Docs all on one handy sheet.

You can import the info from the Docs as:
  • singe files,
  • Drive folders,
  • Google Classroom assignments.

Some of the metrics you get are:
  • word/paragraph/sentence count,
  • estimated reading age of text,
  • number of sentences that start without capital letters,
  • complex/simple connective counts,
  • number of revisions and more.

You also have the option to:
  • email metrics back to students,
  • stamp the information (with comments) at the bottom of each doc,
  • choose custom key words to search and count in each doc.

Here's a video walk-through:

Get Essay Metrics for free here!

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

rowLink - Share personalised rows with students from one spreadsheet

Have you ever had a spreadsheet with loads of data that students would benefit from being able to access? Grades, attendance, comments, feedback etc.? Except that you don't want each student to be able to see each others' data. This has been really hard/cumbersome to achieve - until now!

Introducing rowLink!

This free webapp allows you to share individual rows from a spreadsheet with students, as long as you have their emails in row A. It's very simple to set up - simply copy and paste the spreadsheet URL you want to share and voila! 

You'll get a link which you can share with students however you want - email it to them, put it on a website or on your Google Classroom.

Here's a quick video guide:

You can get the app from here: (you can bookmark it for later).

NOTE: You'll need to set the spreadsheet sharing settings to 'Anyone with the link can view'.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Use Google 'My Maps' to visualise Student Data

A recent staff room conversation had us questioning why it seemed that our persistent late students seemed to live so close to school. The area around our school is quite diverse and we thought it would be interesting to try and identify student trends based on where they live. It turns out that this is surprisingly easy to do, and within 5 minutes we had mapped 1000 students and categorised by a variety of data from conduct points to lateness. I'll explain the 3 steps it took to achieve this:

1) Export student data from your MIS

I designed a report in SIMS (our student information system) that outputted student details. You could export any data that you want for each student, but you need to include their Postcode, or an address that can be read by Google Maps.

2) Add that data as a Google Sheet to your Google Drive

I simply copied the output to a Google Sheet. You could also upload the data directly to My Maps, but having the sheet in Drive allows you to edit data and see it change on your map automatically.

3) Use the data on a new 'My Map'

Go to or search for 'My Maps' and click 'Create a new map'. If you've uploaded your data to Google Drive, after you've clicked 'Import' simply choose the file in your Drive. Voila! Your students will now be placed on your map and you can categorise the data however you would like!

Click the little paint roller icon to customise appearance by range/category. You can find out more from the My Maps Help Centre here.

Whilst this won't be for everyone, we've found it might be a useful way to help spot trends and patterns with your students.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Google Classroom, Doctopus and Goobric - The Ultimate Workflow!

As a Maths teacher, I sometimes don't get to fully use the incredible features of Google Docs to their full potential. That's why I love helping out teachers from other subjects to improve their workflows and support student progress.

If you regularly get students to complete writing assignments, and use marking rubrics to help grade and assess work, this is the solution for you!

Here's a simple breakdown of what happens:

  1. Set an assignment in Google Classroom
  2. Use Doctopus to get all the assignments onto one spreadsheet for easy grading
  3. Use Goobric to fill out marking rubrics from the same window
  4. Marking grids stamped on student doc and values logged on spreadsheet

The complete guide of how to set up is available by clicking here.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Get all events from a Calendar on a Spreadsheet

I was just asked in a recent scripting session that I delivered, how to get all of the events from a calendar. It can be a little tricky with Javascript dates, so I've quickly thrown together a spreadsheet template that does that.

All you need to do is get the Calendar ID which you can do by going into the calendar settings and copying the link (see image below). Choose two dates and press the button to run! All events between those two dates will appear on the 'Output' sheet.

To get the sheet, you will need to click 'File' and 'Make a copy' of this doc.

It will then be stored in your drive.

Very useful for auditing purposes!

Let me know your thoughts and feedback!

Monday, 27 October 2014

Activity Sign-up Sheet

The addition of Add-ons in Google Forms this week reminded me of how powerful Forms can be for signing up to limited capacity activities. There are some powerful tools released to limit form responses, but to make the most of these you need to be fairly proficient in Sheets and formulae.

Every 6 weeks at our school we have around 1000 students choose from a list of around 50 'enrichment' activities. Our amazing librarian sends round paper copies to each form group asking for students top 4 choices, has to do a lot of data crunching, then has to deal with the fallout of a lot of students not getting what they want and asking to change.

I've designed a Sheet/Form combo that allows her to do the following:

1) Add a list of activities to a sheet and have them populate as choices on a form

2) Set the capacity for each activity - when it fills, the item is removed from the form preventing future submissions to choose it (see pic below)

3) A list of students is automatically populated for each activity (a roster/register)

4) A sheet allowing her to easily see which students have and haven't made selections

If you'd like to use the sheet yourself - you can make a copy here.

There are a few simple instructions on the sheet which you can translate into any language you would like!

I'd love to hear if you use it how you get on and what kind of things you've used it for.

Some possible thoughts:
- Parent/Teacher workshops (set activities as a list of times and set capacity to 1)
- Extra-curricular activities
- Lunch choices
- Art project supplies
- IT room hire
- and many more...

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Automatically Generating Individual Student Portfolio Sites

A really nice way for students to show learning, collate a project, or demonstrate progress is through a Google Site. Creating site templates is a really nice way to give students a pro-forma of what you want included. However, in practice it can be quite a logistical task getting hundreds of students to find the template site that you have created, make a copy of it, and share it with you.

I've created a Google Site generator that solves this issue. By filling in a few details and pressing the button on the template, you will automatically create a new site for every student on the spreadsheet. What's best is that each site will now appear in the student's 'Sites' page. This is a much easier way of getting students up and running and they can get straight to the editing part! You can then access all students sites directly from the spreadsheet.

You can make a copy of the template here.

All you have to do is add in your names and emails in the appropriate column, edit the information in the yellow cells, then press the button! You'll have to authorise the script first.


(this will only work if you are using a Google Apps for Education account)

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Setting Up A Form To Email Parents About Missing Homework

I've recently been helping out Kimberly Pollishuke with a great idea to send parents emails if a student is missing a piece of homework. She wanted to do it using Google Forms and use the autocrat script to send an email out to parents immediately.

Obviously, she didn't want to inputting a parent email on every form submission, so we've used VLOOKUP and ARRAYFORMULA to let Google Sheets do all the hard work for us!

Here is a video tutorial on how to set this up if you are using the new version of Google Sheets. (I believe that Kim is setting up a screencast for the old version shortly)

The two formulae that you need can be found below.

In cell A1 of 'Array Values' tab: =ARRAYFORMULA('Form Responses 1'!A:E)

In cell F2 of 'Array Values' tab: =if(isblank(C2),"", VLOOKUP(C2,'Parent Emails'!$A$1:$B$55,2,FALSE))
Don't forget to drag this one down!

The new version of autocrat doesn't have an automatic trigger on form submit yet, so you will have to run the merge manually (although I imagine that this feature will soon be available!)

You can have a look at the spreadsheet I used in the video here.

You can find the Merge Template Doc here.

I designed a similar script quickly that will do a similar job, which you can then trigger the onformsubmit option. To do this, follow the instructions as before, but do not install autocrat.

Instead go to Tools > Script Editor and paste the code below:

function myFunction() {
var check = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Mail Merge');
for (var i=2; check.getRange(i, 1).getValue() != "";)
if (check.getRange(i, 7).getValue() == "Sent")
var teacher = check.getRange(i, 2).getValue();
var student = check.getRange(i, 3).getValue();
var subject = check.getRange(i, 4).getValue();
var reason = check.getRange(i, 5).getValue();
var parentemail = check.getRange(i, 6).getValue();
var blob = Utilities.newBlob('Dear Parent/Carer,<br><br>I am writing to let you know that '+student+' failed to hand in '
+subject+' homework. The reason given was: '+reason+'<br><br>Kind regards,<br><br>'+teacher , 'text/html', 'Missing_Homework.html');
MailApp.sendEmail(parentemail, student+" Missing Homework", 'Please see the attached missing homework document.',
{attachments: [blob.getAs(MimeType.PDF)]});
check.getRange(i, 7).setValue("Sent");
You can then click Resources > Current project's triggers. You can then set up the function to run whenever you submit a form, so no need to manually run the merge. You need to select the following:

Run 'myFunction' 'From spreadsheet' 'On form submit'

That's it! Test it out. If you feel up to it you could play around with the wording in the code to personalise the email to your needs.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Animated worksheets and revision guides

I've been using videos to flip my classroom for about a year now. I've had some students use the videos as a refresher in lessons to help them solve problems. This is fine, but sometimes wastes time trying to find headphones/find the right part of the video etc.

I had the idea to use animated gifs to break down methods Into 5-10 second steps, and then embed them on a google doc. The final outcome was pretty successful; students liked having an animated point of reference without having to rewatch the whole video.

I used to create the gifs, then added them to my document, although there are tons of gif creators out there. Just look for one that allows you to upload direct from a YouTube URL to save time!